Wednesday, June 4, 2008

chapter 34 HW

1. How does President Clinton propose to expand
opportunities in the 21st century?
Everyone goes to collage
2. What challenges does he think must be met?
Balencong the buget of people and expanding heath care and education
3. Why does Clinton say he vetoed the budget sent
to him by the Republican Congress?
Because it violated the values and hopes he had for the future
4. What American values and traditions do you
think will help the United States “build a bridge
to the future”?
the freedom to do, act, think, and say how one truly feels
I Believe that Medicare and Social Security will run out of money and should be closed down
Fact 1 The current budget is over $200billion and is expected to increace over time
Fact 2 Social Security will take more money from the American workers and leave them with nothing
Fact 3 The Elderly population is constantly growing and has gone frome 12.5% of the population to 20% in a decade

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

HW for 5.27.08

1. Who are the three characters in this cartoon, and
What are they trying to do?
The three characters in this cartoon are three firemen who are trying to save someone from an apparently burning building
2. What does the last frame of the cartoon reveal?
That the trampoline/net does not exist
3. What political message does this cartoon send?
That Reagan has no real safety plan if his plans go "up in Smoke"


1. Why would it be bad for Inouye to have a close
relationship with people in intelligence?
Because he needs to be as unbiased as possible in order to create a fair balance between the FBI and the CIA
2. How would Inouye's fairness and spirit of cooperation be effective in a legislative body such as the Senate?
Because in the senate the two parties have conflicting views ad if they are not able to cooperate or at least make compromises then nothing would get done
3. Why do you think Inouye was named to head the
committee investigating Iran-Contra?
Because he had be the head of the committee creating balances and limitations on intelligence work as well as he had earned a fair amount of credibility when he had worked with fierce yet fair questions during the Watergate Investigation

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

current events summary for 5/7

despair of the discriminated Dalits - the Dalits are a large minority in india who have recived no equal rights and in a protest the family of Bhaiyyalal Bhotmange was murdered during and upper caste mob/riot for equal rights the cultural differences between the groups have escalated into that almost of the conflict between blacks and white in our country
India mourn Dalit ex-president - the former president KR Narayanan was given full military honors during his funeral including a 21 gun salute. he was the first Dalit president  to be elected and was a well liked personality among the people.
Indian Family, a small plot - is the story of a family of 12 people who live and work on a 4 acre farm and struggle to get by as do 2/3 of India's 1 billion population
India warns cricket cheerleaders - the story is very similar to that of america's, are cheerleaders to suggestive in there act and dress and just like in america the issue is very divided among many people.
India Cricket craze - the people of india love the sport of cricket almost as much as americans love baseball, maybe even more so much so that they have build shrines for the players to have blessed by god(s)
Women under siege in afghanistan - a few years ago in afghanistan women would barely be able to leave their homes. now a few are getting letters from the government saying that their lives may be in danger from attacks because of there newfound freedom. they have gone from one extreme to another
afghan villagers answer your questions - for the first time we are able to see into the lives of afghanis as they answer the questions that we all want to know

Monday, March 3, 2008

New Project

for the next project i chose theme 3. Evaluate influence of economic, political, religious, and cultural ideas as human societies move beyond regional, national, or geographic boundaries.

the mcas standard i have chosen are
USII.14 Explain the strength of American isolationism after World War I and analyze its impact on U.S. foreign policy.

USII.18 Analyze the factors that contributed to the Cold War and describe the policy of containment as America’s response to Soviet expansionist policies

USII.20 Explain the causes, course, and consequences of the Vietnam War and summarize the diplomatic and military policies of Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon

USII.33 Analyze the course and consequences of America’s recent diplomatic initiatives.

i wish to do this project in the same format i have been usinf for my other one and i will create a new blog for that as well ( i will email the name to you when i make it.)

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Current events summary

China couple sue metro over kiss this article is important to the culture not only of china but to the world because it shows how the peoples private life is able to become a viewing spectacle for the world

Pay-TV turns off China football fans is important to the culture of china because it shows that the people although they love football (soccer) they do not want to pay extra money in order to watch the big game

In pictures: China's travel chaos & Chinese freeze strands thousands
Because so much of china’s culture goes along with religion when people are unable to be at a celebration as cultural as the New Year the culture is greatly impacted

In pictures: Life in rural China despite the great cities of china many people are still living in rural villages with little wages bringing out a new culture in china

Keeping the faith in China even though the government censures many things the people of china keep there faith by attending underground churches

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

President Ronald Reagan Assassinasion Attempt

Although Loved for his personality and politics Ronald Reagan was the victim of an attempted assassination by John Hinkley Jr. this video from shows how the attack happened

Monday, February 4, 2008

HW for 2/4


Who are the three characters in this cartoon, and what are they trying to do?
The characters are three firemen trying to save someone from a apparently burning building/
What does the last frame of the cartoon reveal?
The last frame reveals that the safety net is in fact nothing but a empty hoop
What political message does this cartoon send?
This cartoon sends the message that Reagan has no real strategy if his plans go “up in flames”

1. What commodity was particularly scarce in Europe after the war? Food
2. Which two countries on the graph received the most total aid in 1948, the first
year of the Marshall Plan? England and France
Why do you suppose this was true? Because England and France had been our key allies and had suffered the most of all the countries.
3. Why do you think the Soviet Union opposed the Marshall Plan? The Soviet Union most likely opposed the plan because it may give there Satellite Nations enough supplies to break free of there control.
4. How many dollars worth of food and agricultural aid did Italy receive in 1948?
About 200 million dollars
5. Which country received the most in total aid in 1948? Great Britain
What was the total dollar amount, approximately? More than 1,000 million dollars
6. What event finally moved Congress to approve the Marshall Plan? A Pro-Communism Uprising in Czechoslovakia helped Congress approve the plan
7. In your own words, explain the following statement: “The Marshall Plan saved
Western Europe from being absorbed into the Soviet Bloc.” As a result of the Marshall Plan the western part of Europe was not in danger of an attack from the Soviet Union’s growing empire.

A. Complete the time line below by describing the key events of the Korean War
June 1950 North Korean Forces attack South Korea and take the Capital of Seoul
September 1950 South Korean and UN forces are pushed back to the south-eastern part of the Peninsula
January 1951 McArthur Lunches a two pronged attack that pushes the North Koreans to the Chinese Border
June 1951 The Chinese Intervene and aid the North Koreans to push the UN forces back to the 18th parallel
1. What was the reaction in America to the Communist takeover of China?
The reaction was fairly negative with many believing that we had not done enough to help the democracy
2. Why did President Truman fire General McArthur?
Truman Fired McArthur because McArthur supported a war strategy that Truman did not want enacted
3. How did the stalemate in Korea impact the U.S. political scene?
The Stalemate Caused Truman’s Popularity to go down and for McArthur to steal political Spotlight for a while