Monday, March 3, 2008

New Project

for the next project i chose theme 3. Evaluate influence of economic, political, religious, and cultural ideas as human societies move beyond regional, national, or geographic boundaries.

the mcas standard i have chosen are
USII.14 Explain the strength of American isolationism after World War I and analyze its impact on U.S. foreign policy.

USII.18 Analyze the factors that contributed to the Cold War and describe the policy of containment as America’s response to Soviet expansionist policies

USII.20 Explain the causes, course, and consequences of the Vietnam War and summarize the diplomatic and military policies of Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon

USII.33 Analyze the course and consequences of America’s recent diplomatic initiatives.

i wish to do this project in the same format i have been usinf for my other one and i will create a new blog for that as well ( i will email the name to you when i make it.)

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