Monday, January 7, 2008

hw for 1/9/07

For the new curriculum I will be studying the growth and impact of state power. The MCAS Standards I will be studying are USII.17 Explain important domestic events that took place during the war., found in chapter 25 WWII, USII.18 Analyze the factors that contributed to the Cold War and describe the policy of containment as America’s response to Soviet expansionist policies found in chapter 25 about USII.24 Analyze the roots of domestic anticommunism as well as the origins and consequences of McCarthyism, found in chapter 26(about the cold war at home) and number USII.29 Analyze the presidency of Ronald Reagan found in chapter 33(about Ronald Reagan). I will be doing this in the form of a magazine/newspaper layout.

My progress thus far has been beginning to write an editorial about the origins of McCarthyism and it results as well as research how Reagan changed the country

I still need to research the growth of state power during the cold war and WWII

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