Monday, September 17, 2007

Chaper 14

1. Many inventions mentioned in this section had great contributions to society but easily one of the greatest was the Typewriter. After Christopher Sholes invented the typewriter he probably had no idea the extent of influence his invention would have; not only did it revolutionize office work so that people would be able to understand orders and other things perfectly it without is there may be no computer and with no computer no internet for me to publish my homework.

2. During the second Industrial Revolution the government pushed along the expansion of the railroad in order to unify the country from cost the cost therefore opening up shipping ways in the west and east to get steel and farm goods to all people in the country.

3. In the late 19th century the industrial tycoons are best described ruthlessly effective in there leadership for many reasons. Both Rockefeller and Carnegie were very systematic in there monopolies selling products cheep in order to drive there competition out of business and then raising prices far beyond there original value to make up for the lost money and then some. Also both were good men Rockefeller helping to fund the University of Chicago as well as help end yellow fever, and Carnegie donating 90% of his profits to foundations of the Arts.

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