Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Section 1
4. I think that the immigrants who faced the most problems were the Asian immigrants because they had laws past against them, it was harder to “look” American and they brutalized more than the Irish in America.

3. in the late 1800 immigration led to may things, including Nativism, the Chinese execution act, the creations of Ellis and Angel Islands, and many racial stereotypes.
section 2
4. many solutions were attemped by the americans such as the the constructin of Tenements andMass transit, like buses.

5. in the 19th century many people move to cities for many resons including, escaping ratial persicution in the south, the abundance of jobs in the cities, lack of personel for sweat shop jobs and factory work, also many blacks knew how to work the hevey macinery in factories causing them to miragte north because of lack of work

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