Monday, September 17, 2007

Current events summery

Current events summery

1. Rwandan returns to find new hope
This Article is based on the emotional journey of a Rwandan returning home for the first time after the 1993 Genocide and follows him as he remembers his home from the past and his video called Back Home he explain how his country is moving to create a new culture for themselves and try to heal the scars of the past.

2. Kenya consecration deepens Anglican rift
This article explains the difference in the culture rift of the traditional Anglicans who are opposed to Gay and lesbian Priest and the liberal who are in support of the priest. Many Africans are part of the Traditional Anglican “party” so much so that Dr. Nzimbi, a bishop, has said that he will keep his people’s religion from teetering to “anarchy”.

3. Kenya's bus stop cartoonist
In other Kenyan news a local cartoonist named Humphrey Barasa has been drawing at the capital’s bus stops. Unlike American graffiti artist he draws politically savvy cartoons with a humorous twist on common figures, laws, and world news. Although he has gone unpaid for his hard work he helps give morning commuters a taste of what’s happening in the country with a fun twist, he has many fans in the country who admire his work so much so that they are inspired by the stories that are told.

4. Ethiopia rings in new Millennium
In Ethiopia the year 2000 in the Coptic orthodox calendar has come at last causing happy revelers to flock to the street celebrating the occasion many see the new millennia as a time to continue growth and expansion of the country’s already prominent success. Also many have begun to celebrate in there own way showing the difference between the Ethiopians but also the unity between them.


Justin Scott said...

Great start Eric! Can you find anything in common among these stories to connect them?

Chris Prendergast said...

W0w yoor soh Chool