Thursday, November 29, 2007

Ch. 22 homework

Section 1, Question 4. I believe that public opinion is very important in the health of an economy because if consumer and even stock market confidence is low than no one will invest in the markets and if consumer confidence is to high it will cause everyone to invest in the market to the point where the stocks will become worthless because of the amount of debt people will be in after taking out loans they can not pay back and buy stock on margin.

Section 2, Question 3. In the Great Depression women suffered immensely because without the men having job the women were having a hard time to help support there families because they had no money to pay for food. Children however suffered the most in my eyes because they began to feel worthless not to mention that with schools shut down some children ran away from home in order to find a life outside of the depression.

Section 3, Question 3. Hoover’s policy of Rugged Individualism during the Great Depression helped to shape government impact during this time period. Hoover felt that if he gave the people things such as Welfare that that would hurt a person’s self dignity, he believed in teaching other people rather than spoon feeding them, this translated into the governments’ role because he did not help pass laws such as the Patman Bill but did support things such as the Reconstruction Finance Corporation.

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