Thursday, November 15, 2007

Unit 3 HW 1

Chapter 20 Section 1 question 3
3. I feel that Americans were, to some extent, justified with the red scare during the 20s. One reason of this was because the Bolsheviks were such a minority and took over such a large country that Americans were afraid that it could happen here as well, and Soviets wished to spread world revolution by the working class to the entire world obviously this caused a panic in American Society. During the scare America actually had a Communist party that totaled to about 70,000 people. Also bombs were sent by mail to American senators. Opposes to my view may say that the scare was not justified because there was never any physical proof that the communist were going to anything to America but this is not true because even though there was no evidence the communist still wanted to spread communism to the world.

Chapter 21 section 1 question5
5. I think that the Scopes trial proved to be a powerful triumph of traditional values because for the first time in history a judge proved that religion and faith, a strong cultural power for the rural towns, overthrew the growing power of science. The Volstead act also helped to give power to the traditionalist because it tried to limit the negative effects that the Prohibition act had allowed to cause.

Chapter 21 Section 4 question 5
5. The Harlem renaissance effected black culture incredible because for the first time in America the African Americans found a musical and cultural voice of there own. It effected American history because it influence many rap, hip-hop, and even soul artist who would sing for years to come.

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