Wednesday, November 28, 2007

current events summary for November 28

South Africa's 2010 Cup challenge is a story that helps to explain the incredible amount of joy given to South Africa and its people the article affects the country’s culture immensely because South Africa will now be the first African Country to receive the World cup and they plan to build a new stadium just for the occasion

South Africa remove racial quotas Has ties to the theme of the evolution of the concepts of personal freedom, individual responsibility, and respect for human dignity because now South Africa will no longer have Quota based of the color of a players skin and now gives all people a chance to play at the professional level.

Poor S Africans double in decade is tied with the theme of effects on people’s health, standards of living, and economic growth because in ten years the amount of South Africans living with less then one dollar a day causes people to have to develop a life that uses that money wisely.

Zimbabwe's precarious survival also is attached to effects on people’s health, standards of living, and economic growth because the amount of economic crisis in Zimbabwe the people are now facing medical horror and a staggering amount of inflation forcing many people to flee to South Africa as a last resort to save themselves.

Malagasy leader gets more powers is mainly a political story but his rise to power is manly cultural his rise to power began on the streets but he received 70% of the vote and has been fighting for power since 2001.

Mozambique shoots down new flag is cultural because a country’s flag says so much about themselves because it is the primary symbol of Nationalism and the objection to remove the rifle obviously speaks volumes about the country and its people’s feeling toward the flag

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